News Archive

Barry Award 2023

“Congratulations to Muriel Haug and Hannah Niese, this year’s winners of the 2023 Barry Service Award of OMEL.”

Download The Barry Service Award (PDF, 38 KB) of OMEL recognizes team members who selflessly contribute to the well-being of the group. It was established in 2016 and is named after the mountain rescue dog external page Barry der Menschenretter (1800–1814), arguably the most famous St. Bernard who ever lived. According to legend, he saved over 40 lives from treacherous alpine conditions.”

Congratulations to Alexander  Hernández Oendra     

alex defense

November, 2023. Alexander successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Low-Dimensional Metal-Organic Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanocrystals Synthesis, Characterization, and Modification of Optical Properties”. Congratulations.


Congratulations to Yannik Glauser

Poster Award at the MaP Symposium 2023

Congratulations to Yannik for winning a Poster Award at the MaP Symposium 2023 with his work on Optical Fourier Surfaces for Holography!

Congratulations to Deepankur Thureja

Deepankur Defense

August, 2023. Deepankur successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Electrically tunable quantum confinement of neutral excitons”. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Hannah, who won ETH Medal!

Hannah Niese

April, 2023. Congratulations to Hannah Niese, who won ETH Medal!

OMEL welcomes Erik Maris

Erik Maris

February, 2023. OMEL welcomes Erik Maris as scientific assistant. During his Ph.D. research, he worked on his thesis entitled "Mapping Porous Solid Catalysts with Fluorescent Molecules and Nanoparticles" under the supervision of Prof. Bert Weckhuysen, Dr. Freddy Rabouw, and Dr. Florian Meirer at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Erik will continue his work in the group as a postdoctoral researcher starting in June 2023.

OMEL welcomes Hannah Niese

Hannah Niese

November 2022. OMEL welcomes Hannah Niese as a new Doctoral student. Hannah recently obtained her Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zürich. She worked on “Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy in a SEM” in the group of Prof Albert Polman at AMOLF for her Master Thesis and on “Optics for volumetric 3D printing with triplet fusion upconversion” in the group of Prof Dan Congreve at Stanford.

OMEL Welcomes Muriel Haug

Muriel Haug

September, 2022. OMEL welcomes Muriel Haug as a new Ph.D. student. Muriel finished her Master’s degree at ETH Zurich in Material Science and Engineering. In collaboration with the Soft Robotics Lab from Prof. Dr. R. Katzschmann, she conducted her Master’s Thesis “3D Printing of Salt Cores for Soft-Robotic Application” in the group of Prof. Dr. A. R. Studart. She caught interest in optical materials during her research project under the supervision of Prof. Dr. J. Aizenberg entitled “Optical Litmus Test for Chirality”.

Congratulations to Carin Lightner

Carin Lightner

June, 2022. Carin Lightner successfully defended her dissertation entitled “The Measurement of Raman Optical Activity”. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Sergio Mazzotti

Sergio Mazzotti

April, 2022. Sergio Mazzotti successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Theory of Discretely Growing Nanocrystals: Growth Mechanism and Optoelectronic Properties”. Congratulations.


Congratulations to Ario Cocina

Ario Cocina

April, 2022. Ario Cocina successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Luminescence and Exciton Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanocrystals: from Single Particles to Organized Ensembles”. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Marianne Aellen

Marianne Aellen

March, 2022. Marianne Aellen successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Understanding plasmonic lasers: Fabrication, characterization, and design of plasmonic Fabry–Pérot lasers”. Congratulations.

OMEL welcomes Valentina De Rosa

Enlarged view: Valentina De Rosa

March, 2022. OMEL welcomes Valentina De Rosa as a new Ph.D. student. Valentina recently attained her Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zürich. She completed her Master’s thesis, entitled “Synthesis of 3D Hydrogel Templates for Fourier surfaces”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. D. J. Norris in collaboration with Prof. Dr. M. W. Tibbitt.

Congratulations to Aniket Mule


February, 2022. Aniket Mule successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Growth of Magic Sizes: An Alternate Approach Towards Monodisperse Semiconductor Nanocrystals”. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Nolan Lassaline

Nolan's defense

October, 2021. Nolan Lassaline successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Optical and electronic Fourier surfaces”. Congratulations.

OMEL welcomes Yannik Glauser

Enlarged view: Yannik Glauser

September, 2021. OMEL welcomes Yannik Glauser as a new Ph.D. student. Yannik recently obtained his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master’s thesis, entitled “Maritime Transportation: Between AVs and tankers, there is (not) the middle of the sea”, under the supervision of Prof. Emilio Frazzoli at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control (IDSC) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zurich.

OMEL welcomes Dr. Gabriel Nagamine

Gabriel Nagamine

August, 2021. OMEL welcomes Gabriel Nagamine as a new postdoctoral researcher. Gabriel obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in May 2021. He completed his thesis, entitled "Optical Gain in Colloidal Nanocrystals" under the supervision of Prof. Lázaro Padilha.

OMEL welcomes Dr. Arthur Shapiro


July 2021. OMEL welcomes Arthur Shapiro as a new Postdoctoral researcher. Arthur gained his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2020 from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Efrat Lifshitz. His PhD work was on the “Synthesis and Characterization of Narrow Bandgap Colloidal Nanocrystals and All-Inorganic Perovskites with Magnetic Dopant". His professional research interest is focused on the synthesis of colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) and the study of their optical properties.

Congratulations to Robert Keitel

Robert's defense

June, 2021. Robert Keitel successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Twisted, Structured, and Swept Light — Generation and Application”. Congratulations.

OMEL welcomes Juri Gottlieb Crimmann

Enlarged view: Juri Crimmann

May, 2021. OMEL welcomes Juri Gottlieb Crimmann as a new Ph.D. student. Juri recently graduated with his Master's degree in Physics from LMU Munich. He completed his Master's thesis, entitled „Elucidating the Synthetic Process, Morphology, and Optical Properties of Micellar Perovskite Nanocrystals" under the supervision of Prof. Alexander S. Urban in the Department of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich (Germany).

Congratulations to Carin for winning a poster prize  


March, 2021. Congratulations to Carin for winning a poster prize at the 2021 Chiral Materials Conference for her poster “Measurement of Raman Optical Activity using High Frequency Polarization Modulation”. The work presented was done in collaboration with: Daniel Giesler, Stefan A. Meyer, Hannah Niese and Robert C. Keitel.

Best Student Presentation Award for Nolan Lassaline

Enlarged view: Nolan_Lassaline

March, 2021. Congratulations to Nolan for receiving the Best Student Presentation Award for his talk on “Optical Fourier Surfaces” as part of the 2020 virtual Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS). The presentation award is supported by ACS Photonics and the Materials Research Society.

OMEL welcomes Daniel Petter

Enlarged view: Daniel Petter

February, 2021. OMEL welcomes Daniel Petter as a new postdoctoral researcher. Dani obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Innsbruck in November 2020, where he completed his thesis on working with ultracold erbium quantum gases under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Ferlaino.

Congratulations to Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel


December 2020. Congratulations to Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel who accepted a position as Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at TU Eindhoven! Ann-Katrin will start her appointment in the Photonics Integration Group in May 2021. Her research will focus on the science and engineering of phase-change materials for active and integrated photonics as well as the fundamental understanding of these materials.

OMEL welcomes Dr. Jacob Held


December, 2020. OMEL welcomes Jacob Held as a new postdoctoral researcher. Jacob obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in September 2020. He completed his thesis, entitled "Pushing the limits of STEM analysis and its application toward the characterization of nanocrystals and nanomaterials" under the supervision of Prof. K. Andre Mkhoyan.

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Becker for winning the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

November, 2020. Congratulations to Michael Becker for receiving the ETH Medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis. This award is reserved for the top 8% of dissertations at ETH Zurich.

Congratulations to Raphael Brechbühler

October 2020. Raphael Brechbühler successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Sources of plasmons: Probing the excitation and steering of plasmons from quantum emitters and nano-structured metal surfaces”. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Lisa Poulikakos

Enlarged view: Lisa

Congratulations to Lisa Poulikakos who accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC San Diego! Lisa will start her appointment in November 2020, and her research will focus on the science and engineering of nanophotonic materials to controllably enhance, probe and influence naturally-occurring light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. She will develop nanophotonic probes for impact in low-cost medical diagnostics, on-chip biochemical drug testing, and in-situ biomedical imaging.

ETH Career Seed Grant for Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel

Ann-Katrin Michel

July, 2020. Congratulations to Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel for winning a Career Seed Grant from the ETH Zurich Foundation. She will use this grant to continue her research on nanoscale phase-change materials at OMEL.

Dr. Andrew Pun wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship

Anrdrew Pun

January, 2020. Congratulations to Andrew for being awarded an ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship! The programme is intended to foster young researchers who have already demonstrated scientific excellence in the early stages of their careers."

Congratulations to OMEL researchers  

Congratulations to OMEL researchers for having their patent application, entitled “Diffractive optical element”, chosen as one of the top 20 inventions of 2020 by the Spark Award. The invention unlocks the ability to pattern diffractive optical surfaces with wavy profiles that could benefit applications of holograms, lasers, and miniaturized virtual- and augmented-reality devices.

Congratulations to Michael Becker

Enlarged view: Michael Becker Defense

December, 2019. Michael successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Exploring the extraordinary optical properties of cesium lead halide perovskite quantum dots". Congratulations!

Congratulations to Felipe Antolinez

Felipes Defense

Oktober, 2019. Felipe successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Low-Temperature Emission Behavior of CdSe-Based Nanoplatelets". Congratulations!

Congratulations to Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel

Enlarged view: Ann-Katrin Michel Best Presentation

September, 2019. Congratulations to Ann-Katrin for receiving the Best Presentation Award for her talk on "Sub-diffraction limited patterning of phase-change material thin films for tunable photonics" as a part of the European Phase-Change and Ovonic Symposium (E\PCOS) in Grenoble, France

Congratulations to Jan Winkler

Enlarged view: ttt

August, 2019. Jan successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Light-Matter Interactions Between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and CdSe Nanocrystals". Congratulations!

Congratulations to Aurelio Rossinelli

Enlarged view: aurelio

August, 2019. Aurelio successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Development of High-Temperature Shell-Coating Protocols for Efficient and Narrowband Emission in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets". Congratulations!

July 2019, 4th Summer School

Raphael Brechbühler, Nino Delmedico, Deepankur Thureja, Aurelio Rossinelli, Dr. Florian Ott, Prof. David Norris, Carin Lightner, Stefan Meyer, Alexander Hernandez Oendra, Korneel Ridderbeek, Sergio Mazzotti, Shadi Nashashib, Sander Vonk, Thomas Bischof, Robert Keitel,
Dr. Jian Cui, Aniket Mule, Dr. Luciano Santino, Dr. Philippe Knüsel, Nolan Lassaline, Marianne Aellen, Ario Cocina.

OMEL welcomes Dr. Andrew Pun

Enlarged view: Andrew Pun

August, 2019. OMEL welcomes Andrew Pun as a new postdoctoral researcher. Andrew obtained his Ph.D. from Columbia University in June 2019. He completed his thesis, entitled "Exciton Fission and Fusion" under the supervision of Prof. Luis M. Campos and Dr. Daniel N. Congreve.

OMEL welcomes Alexander Hernández Oendra


January, 2019. OMEL welcomes Alexander Hernández Oendra as a new Ph.D. student. Alexander recently graduated with his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis, entitled "Exciton-Phonon Coupling in (CnH2n+1NH3)2PbI4 Networked Perovskites" under the supervision of Prof. William A. Tisdale in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).

Congratulations to Professor David Norris

Enlarged view: Goldene Eule

November 2018. Congratulations to David Norris for receivining the Golden Owl for excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the ETH Zurich’s students association (VSETH) and honors exceptional teaching.

Congratulations to Dr. Eva De Leo

Enlarged view: eva

November, 2018. Eva successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Multiresonant Nanostructures for Tailoring the Spectral, Directional and Polarization Response of Light Sources" and thus became Dr. Eva De Leo. Congratulations!

Congratulations to Ann-Katrin Michel

Enlarged view: Ann-Katrin Poster Award

September 2018. Congratulations to Ann-Katrin Michel for receiving a Best Poster Award as a part of the European Phase-Change and Ovonic Symposium (E\PCOS) in Catania, Italy

Congratulations to Dr. Mengmeng Deng

Enlarged view: Mengmeng

September, 2018. Mengmeng successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Application Oriented Low-Dimensional Material Platforms for Energy and the Environment". Congratulations!

August 2018. 3rd OMEL Summer School

Jan Winkler, Prof. Alexander Efros, Ario Cocina, Aurelio Rossinelli, Mengmeng Deng, Prof. David Norris, Robert Keitel, Felipe Antolinez, Sergio Mazzotti, Hanbing Fang, Priyank Kumar, Philippe Knüsel, Dr. Freddy Rabouw,

Eva De Leo, Ann-Katrin Michel, Marianne Aellen, Carin Lightner, Stefan Köpfli, Aniket Mule,

Michael Becker, Raphael Brechbühler, Nolan Lassaline.

Congratulation to Dr. Lisa Poulikakos

Enlarged view: Lisa Defense

July 2018. Lisa successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Chiral Light-Matter Interactions in the Near and Far Field" and thus became Dr. Lisa Poulikakos. Congratulations!

Willi Studer Prize for Deepankur Thureja

Enlarged view: Ankur

June 2018. Congratulations to Deepankur Thureja for receiving the Willi Studer Prize as part of his Master’s in Mechanical Engineering. The prize is awarded to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master’s degree programme.

OMEL Welcomes Deepankur Thureja


May, 2018. OMEL welcomes Deepankur Thureja as a new Ph.D. student. Deepankur recently obtained his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, with Distinction, from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master’s thesis, entitled “Discovery of Novel Optoelectronic Materials through Automated Synthesis and Screening”, with the group of Prof. William Tisdale in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).

Congratulations to Dr. Philippe Knüsel

Enlarged view: Knüsel

April, 2018. Philippe successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Understanding Two-Dimensional Growth in Cubic Semiconductor Nanocrystals" on April 9 and thus became Dr. Philippe Knüsel. Congratulations!

OMEL welcomes Carin Lightner


March, 2018. OMEL welcomes Carin Lightner as a Ph.D. student. She has worked for the past year as a researcher at ETH studying surface enhanced raman spectroscopy (SERS).


OMEL welcomes Mengmeng Deng

Enlarged view: mengmeng

February, 2018. OMEL welcomes Mengmeng Deng as a senior Ph.D. student. Mengmeng earned a M.Sc. degree in Materials Engineering. For his Master's thesis, entitled ''Fabrication of the Chemical Sensors Based on Inkjet Printing Technology", he worked with the group of Prof. Yanlin Song in the CAS Key Laboratory of Organic Solids from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

OMEL welcomes Hanbing Fang

Enlarged view: fang

January, 2018. OMEL welcomes Hanbing Fang as a new Ph.D. student. Hanbing recently earned his M.Sc. degree in Chemistry (Nanotechnology). For his Master's thesis, entitled ''Manipulation of the Plasmonic Properties of n-Type Doped Colloidal Indium Oxide Nanocrystals ", he worked with the group of Prof. Pavle Radovanovic in the Chemistry Department from University of Waterloo, Canada.

OMEL welcomes Sergio Mazzotti  


October, 2017. OMEL welcomes Sergio Mazzotti as a new Ph.D. student. Sergio recently graduated with his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. For his Master's thesis, entitled "Electronic Properties of CdSe Nanoparticles: Polarizability and Dipole Moments“, he worked with the group of Prof. Giulia Galli at the Institute for Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago, Chicago (USA).

Prof. David Norris wins ACS Nano Lectureship Award

Enlarged view: Prof. David Norris

August, 2017. Congratulations to David for receiving the external page ACS Nano Lectureship Award for 2017.  He presented his lecture entitled “Colloidal-Quantum-Dot Photonics and Plasmonics” at the ChinaNANO 2017 Conference in Beijing, China on August 31st.

Veni award for Dr. Freddy T. Rabouw


August, 2017. Congratulations to Freddy for winning a external page Veni grant from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). He will use this grant to continue his scientific career as a tenure-tracker at Utrecht University next year, after finishing his postdoc research at OMEL.

From Bangalore via Cambridge to Zurich

Enlarged view: Kumar

A short account of Priyank’s academic journey captured by ETH news.

Congratulations to Aurelio Rossinelli whose poster was selected as one of three poster prize winners at the MaP Graduate Symposium 2017

Aurelio Rossinelli

June, 2017. Congratulations to Aurelio Rossinelli whose poster “High-temperature growth of thick-shell CdSe/CdS core/shell nanoplatelets” was selected as one of three poster prize winners at the MaP Graduate Symposium 2017 ( The three winners held a flash poster presentation for all symposium participants.

Congratulations to Marianne Aellen for winning the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

Marianne ETH Medallie

June, 2017. At the MAVT master's ceremony, Marianne Aellen was awarded with the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich for her Master thesis entitled „Contrast Enhancement in the SWIR wavelength regime“.

Dr. Ann-Katrin U. Michel wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship

Ann_Katrin Michel

May, 2017. Congratulations to Ann-Katrin for receiving an ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship! The ETH Fellowship, co-funded by the EU Commission's external page Marie Curie Actions, is intended to provide two years of postdoctoral support for “high-potential, young researchers.” ETH Fellows are selected on the basis of a peer-reviewed research proposal and an interview with the ETH Zurich Research Commission.


Congratulations to Aniket Mule


April, 2017. Aniket Mule, doctoral student in the lab of Prof. David J. Norris, ETH Professor for Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory, has been awarded the SGVC Prize 2017 by the Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Verfahrens- und ChemieingenieurInnen for his Master's Thesis entitled: “Synthesis of CdSe Nanoplatelets using New Selenium
Precursors”. external page Readmore

Eggenberger Award for Stephan Kress


February, 2017. Stephan Kress receives the Hans-Eggenberger-Prize for his dissertation on the control of light at nanoscales. The annual award, endowed with CHF 100,000, is given to outstanding young scientists who are primarily active in the interdisciplinary application of electronics and electrical energy technology.

With current optical methods such as glass lenses light cannot be controlled on nanoscales since they are constrained by the diffraction limit of light. However, it is possible to circumvent this limit with metal-based plasmonic structures. In his thesis "Quantum Dot Plasmonic Waveguides, Resonators and Spasers" at the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory of Prof. David Norris, Dr. Stephan Kress developed a quantum dot spaser, a novel type of laser capable of breaking the diffraction limit and generating nanoscale light.

Kress will use the prize money to continue his research at Harvard University. Its goal is to develop rewritable metasurface optics in the mid-infrared range. He would like to improve the understanding of light on the nanoscale and potentially revolutionize mid-infrared optics which among others are used to analyze the gases in our atmosphere.

OMEL Welcomes Ms. Dr. Ann-Katrin U. Michel


February, 2017. OMEL welcomes Ms. Ann-Katrin Michel as a new postdoctoral researcher. Ann-Katrin obtained her PhD degree from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in December 2016. She wrote her PhD thesis, entitled "Tuning of nanoantenna resonances in the mid-infrared spectral range by using phase-change materials" under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Taubner and Prof. Matthias Wuttig.

OMEL Welcomes Aniket Sandip Mule


January, 2017. OMEL welcomes Aniket Sandip Mule as a new Ph.D. student. Aniket recently graduated with his Master's degree in Process Engineering from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis, entitled "Synthesis of CdSe Nanoplatelets using New Selenium Precursors" at OMEL under the supervision of Prof. David J. Norris in Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) at ETH Zurich.

Lab tour with high school students

December, 2016. The Ladies in Mechanical and Electrical Studies association of AMIV ( organized an information day for female high school students from all over Switzerland. People from OMEL showed our labs and presented demonstration experiments to the students.


Lab tour with female high-school students

The Ladies in Mechanical and Electrical Studies association of AMIV
( organized an information day for female high-school
students from all over Switzerland. The students gained insight into engineering studies at
ETH, including a flying-drone show, lab tours and many discussions with ETH scholars and
doctoral students. OMEL opened the doors of the optics lab to present the fascinating world
of nanotechnology to the potential future students. This included a live-synthesis of
luminescent perovskite nanoparticles and a close-up look onto coffee beans and hair with
our lab’s scanning electron microscope.

Congratulations to Dr. Stephan J. Kress for winning the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich

stephan kress

November, 2016. Congratulations to Stephan Kress for receiving the ETH Medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis. This award is reserved for the top 8% of dissertations at ETH Zurich.


OMEL Welcomes Marianne Aellen


November, 2016. OMEL welcomes Marianne Aellen as a new Ph.D. student. Marianne recently obtained her Master’s degree in Micro and Nanosystems from ETH Zurich. For her Master’s thesis, entitled “Contrast Enhancement in the SWIR Wavelength Regime“, she worked with the group of Prof. Moungi Bawendi in the Chemistry Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).

OMEL Welcomes Nolan Lassaline


November, 2016. OMEL welcomes Nolan Lassaline as a new Ph.D. student. Nolan recently graduated with his Master's degree in Micro and Nanosystems from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis, entitled "Accurate Placement of Quantum Dots on Patterned Plasmonic Surfaces with Three-Dimensional and Single-Dot Control" here at OMEL under the supervision of Prof. David J. Norris.

OMEL Welcomes Ario Cocina


Oktober, 2016. OMEL welcomes Ario Cocina as a new Ph.D. student. Ario recently graduated with his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master’s thesis, entitled “ Polarization-Resolved Spectroscopy using Multiresonant Plasmonic Structures ”, at OMEL under the supervision Prof. David J. Norris at the Mechanical Engineer department of ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

OMEL Welcomes Robert Keitel


August, 2016. OMEL welcomes Robert Keitel as a new Ph.D. student. Robert recently graduated with his Master’s degree in Materials Science from ETH Zurich. He completed his Master’s thesis, entitled “Thermal stability and thermoelectric properties of PbS nanocrystals”, with the group of Prof. William Tisdale in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).

Lisa Poulikakos is selected as Chair of the 2018 Gordon Research Seminarn Plasmonics and Nanophotonics


July 2016. Congratulations to Lisa Poulikakos, who was selected to chair the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics in 2018 (external page! The GRS "is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists (…) to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas." Her responsibilities will include “developing a rigorous, forward-looking scientific program", inviting mentors from academia and industry, attracting a diverse audience of participants and raising funds.

Lisa Poulikakos Wins MaP Graduate Symposium Seminar Poster Prize

June 2016. Congratulations to Lisa Poulikakos, whose poster entitled “The Optical Chirality Flux as a Useful Far-Field Probe of Chiral Near Fields” was selected as one of three poster prize winners at the MaP Graduate Symposium 2016 ( The three winners held a flash poster presentation (photo) for all symposium participants.


First Summer School at OMEL

Summer School 16
June, 2016. We just successfully completed our first Summer School at OMEL.

OMEL Welcomes Raphael Brechbuehler


May, 2016. OMEL welcomes Raphael Brechbuehler as a new Ph.D. student. Raphael recently obtained his Master’s degree in Micro and Nanosystems from ETH Zurich. For his Master’s thesis “Towards Integrated Photo-Rechargeable Silicon Nanowires Based Micro-Supercapacitors”, he worked with the group of Prof. Roya Maboudian in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of California, Berkeley (USA).

Congratulations to Dr. Boris le Feber for Winning Rubicon Fellowship


April, 2016. Congratulations to Dr. Boris le Feber for receiving a external page Rubicon Fellowship! The Rubicon fellowship is awarded by the Dutch Science Foundation "NWO" to researchers who recently obtained their PhD degree in any field of science. Boris will investigate the possibility of using magnetically doped quantum dots to direct surface plasmon polaritons.

Dr. Freddy T. Rabouw wins Rubicon Fellowship

Enlarged view: Freddy

January, 2016. Congratulations to Freddy for receiving a external page Rubicon Fellowship! The Rubicon fellowship is awarded by the Dutch Science Foundation "NWO" to researchers who recently obtained their PhD degree in any field of science. The award is based on a peer-reviewed research proposal.

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Freddy T. Rabouw


January, 2016. OMEL welcomes Dr. Freddy T. Rabouw as a new postdoctoral researcher. Freddy obtained his PhD degree from Utrecht University, the Netherlands, in September 2015. He wrote his PhD thesis, entitled "Before there was light: excited state dynamics in luminescent (nano)materials" under the supervision of Prof. Daniël Vanmaekelbergh and Prof. Andries Meijerink.

Dr. Priyank Vijaya Kumar wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship

Enlarged view: Priyank

December, 2015. Congratulations to Priyank for receiving an ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship! The ETH Fellowship, co-funded by the EU Commission's external page Marie Curie Actions, is intended to provide two years of postdoctoral support for “high-potential, young researchers.” ETH Fellows are selected on the basis of a peer-reviewed research proposal and an interview with the ETH Zurich Research Commission.

Prof. David J. Norris wins the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching

Enlarged view: Prof. David J. Norris

November, 2015. Congratulations to Prof. David J. Norris for receiving the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2015. The aim of the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching is to promote quality teaching at ETH, and to strengthen Switzerland as a science and research location. For David's "Polybahn Pitch" on the importance of teaching at a research university see this external page link.external page

OMEL Welcomes Aurelio Rossinelli


October, 2015. OMEL welcomes Aurelio Rossinelli as a new Ph.D. student. Aurelio recently graduated with his Master's degree in Process Engineering from the ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis, "Synthesis and Application of CdSe/CdS Nanorods in Luminescent Solar Concentrators," with the group of Prof. Moungi Bawendi in the Chemistry Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (USA).

Dr. Ferry Prins receives SNSF Ambizione Grant

September, 2015. Congratulations to Ferry for receiving an external page SNF Ambizione Grant! The Ambizione is aimed at early-career researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent research line at a Swiss university. In a new topic of research for OMEL, Ferry will develop platforms for surface enhanced spectroscopy using multiresonant plasmonic Bull’s eye antennas.

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Priyank Vijaya Kumar

Enlarged view: Priyank

August, 2015. OMEL welcomes Dr. Priyank Vijaya Kumar as a new postdoctoral researcher.  Priyank graduated with a PhD in Materials Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in June 2015. He conducted his PhD thesis, entitled "Enhanced Electrical, Optical and Chemical Properties of Graphene Oxide through a Novel Phase Transformation," under the supervision of Prof. Jeffrey C. Grossman.

Prof. Norris wins the Max Rössler Prize

Enlarged view: Rössler

June, 2015. Congratulations to David for receiving the Download Max Rössler Preis!

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Boris le Feber

Enlarged view: Boris le Feber

June, 2015. OMEL welcomes Dr. Boris le Feber as a new postdoctoral researcher. Boris recently obtained his Ph.D. at the FOM Institute AMOLF. There he completed his Ph.D. thesis, "Nanoscale Optical Electric and Magnetic Vector Fields: Mapping and Injection," in the NanoOptics group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kobus Kuipers.


Maximilian Fischer wins the Ernst-Blickle Studienpreis

March, 2015. Congratulations to Max for winning the Download Ernst-Blickle-Studienpreis 2014 from the SEW-EURODRIVE-Foundation. He received the award for his outstanding Master's Thesis “Carbon Nanosheets as Active Electrocatalysts in Solid Acid Fuel Cell Electrodes.”

OMEL Welcomes Jan Winkler

Enlarged view: Jan.W

February, 2015. OMEL welcomes Jan Winkler as a new Ph.D. student. Jan recently graduated with his Master's degree in Process Engineering from the ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis "Formulation and Characterization of a Polymeric siRNA Delivery System" with the group of Prof. Mark Davis in the Chemical Engineering Department at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (USA).

OMEL Welcomes Felipe Antolinez

Enlarged view: Felipe

February, 2015. OMEL welcomes Felipe Antolinez as a new PhD student. Felipe recently graduated with his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis "Numerical Characterization of Plasmonic Wedge Waveguides and Resonators" here at OMEL.


Dr. Jian Cui wins ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship

Enlarged view: Jian

January, 2015.  Congratulations to Jian for receiving an ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship! The ETH Fellowship, co-funded by the EU Commission's Marie Curie Actions, is intended to provide two years of postdoctoral support for “high-potential, young researchers.” ETH Fellows are selected on the basis of a peer-reviewed research proposal and an interview with the ETH Zurich Research Commission.

Dr. Kevin McPeak Wins MRS Symposium W Poster Award

Enlarged view: Kevin

December, 2014.  Kevin's poster "Periodic Nanostructured CdS/PbS-Quantum Dot Solar Cells in Substrate Configuration" won a best poster award for Symposium W at the Materials Research Society Conference in Boston.  Congratulations!

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Ferry Prins
August, 2014. 
OMEL welcomes Dr. Ferry Prins, who joins the group as a postdoc after a postdoctoral stay at MIT in the group of Prof. Will Tisdale. There he worked on energy transfer and exciton dynamics in nanomaterials. Ferry obtained his Ph.D. from TU Delft in 2011 with Prof. Van der Zant working on nanoelectronics.

Clara Beck Receives the "Zühlke Scholarship"

Enlarged view: Clara

July, 2014.  Congratulations to Clara for winning the Download Zühlke Scholarship 2014! She will be writing her Master's thesis on Perovskite Solar Cells at Oxford University.

Enlarged view: Knüsel

OMEL Welcomes Philippe Knüsel
May, 2014.
OMEL welcomes Philippe Knüsel as a new Ph.D. student. Philippe recently graduated from the Master's program in Materials Science at ETH Zurich. His Master's thesis, entitled "Towards Metal Oxide-Polymer Particle-based Aerogels," was completed in the Multifunctional Materials Group at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Markus Niederberger.

Dr. Kevin McPeak Receives "E-MRS Symposium F Oral Prize"

Enlarged view: Kevin

May, 2014. Congratulations to Kevin for receiving the "E-MRS Symposium F Oral Prize" for his presentation “Chiral Colloids and Surfaces for Visible and Ultraviolet Plasmonics!” The prize was awarded to 5 early-career researchers at the E-MRS Conference in Lille, France in May 2014. Researchers were judged on the quality of their presentation and the originality of their research. To learn more about the work being done at OMEL on chiral colloids see our recent publication, “Complex Chiral Colloids and Surfaces via High-Index Off-Cut Silicon” in Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/nl501032j.

Enlarged view: Jian

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Jian Cui
April, 2014
. OMEL welcomes Dr. Jian Cui, who joins the group as a postdoc after completing his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry under Prof. Moungi Bawendi at MIT. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled "Deconstructing the Room-Temperature Emission Spectra of Nanocrystals Using Photon-Correlation Fourier Spectroscopy."

OMEL Welcomes Dr. Andreas Riedinger
Feburary, 2014.
OMEL welcomes Dr. Andreas Riedinger who joins the group as postdoc after a postdoctoral stay at the Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa (Italy) in the group of Prof. Manna where has also conducted his doctoral research under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Pellegrino. His Ph.D. thesis was entitled “pH and Thermo-Responsive Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites for Drug Delivery and Sensor Applications.”

OMEL Welcomes Maximilian Fischer
Feburary, 2014.
OMEL welcomes Maximilian Fischer as a new Ph.D. student. Max recently graduated with his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the ETH Zurich. He completed his Master's thesis, entitled "Carbon Nanosheets as Active Electrocatalyst in Solid Acid Fuel Cell Electrodes," with the group of Prof. Giapis in the Chemical Engineering Department of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (USA).

OMEL Welcomes Eva De Leo

Enlarged view: Eva

January, 2014. OMEL welcomes Eva De Leo who joins the group as a PhD student after completing her Master's degree in Micro and Nanotechnologies for Integrated Systems from Politecnico di Torino, INP Grenoble and EPFL with a thesis carried out at the Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication Group at MIT.

Enlarged view: Lisa

OMEL Welcomes Back Lisa Poulikakos
, 2013. OMEL welcomes back Lisa Poulikakos as she starts her Ph.D. project. Lisa, who was a Masters student at OMEL, recently completed her MS thesis, entitled "Exciton Dynamics in CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot Assemblies," in the group of Prof. Will Tisdale at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).

Jong Hyuk Park Defends


July, 2013. Jong Hyuk successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled, "Metal Structures for Photonics and Plasmonics," on July 11, 2013 and became Dr. Jong Hyuk Park. Because the defense was at the University of Minnesota, the group held a special apero on July 23 at ETH to congratulate Jong Hyuk.

Enlarged view: Ayash

Ayaskanta Sahu Defends
December, 2012
. Ayash successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled, "Phase Transitions and Doping in Semiconductor Nanocrystals," on November 16, 2012 and became Dr. Ayaskanta Sahu. Because the defense was at the University of Minnesota, the group held a special apero on December 5th at ETH to congratulate Ayash and celebrate with him. Ayash will start a postdoctoral position in March at the Molecular Foundry at Berkeley.

Züri Light

May, 2017. Züri Light is a collaborative initiative between OMEL and the ETH Photonics Lab to discuss and exchange research interests in optics. The Züri Light meetings are hosted alternately by OMEL and the Photonics Lab. 10 research pitches (5 from each group) are accompanied by Pizza and beverages to fuel inspiring scientific discussions. The image shows impressions from the first Züri Light meeting which took place on March 2nd at OMEL. The second Züri Light meeting took place at the Photonics Lab on May 4th.”

Enlarged view: OMEL

Norris Group Officially at ETH Zürich
August, 2010
. The Norris Group officially relocated to ETH Zürich with the establishment of the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory. While the complete transition for the group is expected to take 1-2 years, the official address is now ETH Zürich.

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