Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Engineers
Number: 151-0966-00L FS
Syllabus: 2021 protected page pdf
Instructor: Prof. David J. Norris, LEE P 210,
Teaching Assistants:
Mr. Alexander Hernández Oendra,
Ms. Coraline Imsand,
Mr. Lukas Pahl,
Mr. Nazim Yasar,
Lectures: Weds. 10:00 – 12:00, via Recordings or Zoom (more information)
Exercises: (attend one)
Weds., 14:15 – 15:45, via Zoom (more information)
Thurs., 08:30 – 10:00, via Zoom (more information)
Course Description: This course provides fundamental knowledge in the principles of quantum mechanics and connects it to applications in engineering.
Textbook: “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics,” 3rd Edition, by David J. Griffiths and Darrell F. Schroeter; Cambridge University Press ©2018
Prerequisites: Analysis III, Mechanics III, Physics I, and Linear Algebra II
Course Objectives: To work effectively in many areas of modern engineering, such as energy and nanotechnology, engineers must possess a basic understanding of quantum mechanics. The aim of this course is to provide this knowledge while making connections when possible to applications. After completing this course, students will understand the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and be able to apply mathematical methods for solving various problems including atoms, molecules, and solids. Additional examples from engineering disciplines will also be integrated.